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Experience our innovative approach to mentorship

Experience our innovative approach to mentorship.

Our mentorship program consists of two tracks to serve the differing needs of younger college students (who want more general guidance and support to navigate college) and of juniors and seniors (who want more focused career path guidance and support). 

Holistic Mentorship Program

  • Our Holistic Mentorship Program is designed to support freshmen and sophomores to gain a bigger picture perspective on how the college years fit into a larger life journey for first-generation college students, and to guide them on how to navigate college, choose a major, find their voice, own their narrative, and advocate for their needs.  The program allows for one-on-one mentorship pairings, as well as in “Pods” in which we pair two mentors with 3-5 students.  Mentors meet with students approximately 5 times over the semester.  Currently the program is conducted virtually.  ​​


Professional Guidance Program

  • CSN’s career path guidance program is designed for juniors and seniors who plan to continue on to graduate school or will soon be on the job market.  Students are paired with a seasoned profession who will help them gain practical and concrete knowledge on how to enter the field of their choice.  Depending on the students’ interests and needs, mentors can provide feedback on resumes, LinkedIn profiles, internships, interviews and share networking opportunities. Currently the program is conducted virtually.

Requirements for Mentees

  • Fill out an application form

  • Participate in a 15 minute telephone call

  • Attend a mentee orientation

  • Commit to participate in 5 sessions for Track 1 or 3 sessions for Track 2

  • Provide regular feedback through surveys and check-ins

Benefits for Mentees

  • Get to know professional mentors and peers on a personal level

  • Participate in meaningful discussions and learn from other people’s experiences

  • Gain perspective on how college fits in the bigger journey

  • Receive guidance on how to navigate college and a career path

  • Opportunities to take on student leadership roles within the Collective Success Network

Requirements for Mentors

  • Fill out an application form

  • Participate in a 15 minute telephone call

  • Attend a mentee orientation

  • Commit to participate in 5 sessions for Track 1 or 3 sessions for Track 2

  • Provide regular feedback through surveys and check-ins

Benefits for Mentors

  • Inspire and positively impact LIFG students’ life trajectory

  • Build relationships with other professionals in the region

  • Cultivate and strengthen facilitation, public speaking, and coaching skills

  • Opportunities to take on leadership roles within the Collective Success Network

The Collective Success Network 
1818 Bethlehem Pike
P.O. Box 623

Flourtown, PA 19031

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To learn more about the challenges facing college students from disadvantaged backgrounds, please read these first hand accounts from one of our co-founders. 

We operate under the fiscal sponsorship of the Urban Affairs Coalition in Philadelphia

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